Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Becky & Merie's 12 Fears of Christmas, Fear #3: "Baby, it's Cold Outside"
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
In this adorably tiny episode, we explore the controversy over the classic tune, "Baby it's Cold Outside." Just how rapey is this song?!! Is it really an S&M fantasy sung by Dean Martin way back in the ‘40s? Who the hell is Wolf and why is he making drinks for Mouse? Is Mouse really worried about a date rape drug in her gin rickey?!!! Also:
Did Merie’s husband get her to marry him by using big words like Rorschach Test?!
Come for the womansplaining of context and consent. Stay because Merie might actually "sing" the first 3 Fears of Christmas at the end of this episode.
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Becky & Merie's 12 Fears of Christmas, Fear #2: Creepy Carols
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
In our second super-miniature "12 Fears of Christmas" episode, we explore some pretty terrible holiday tunes, and ask burning questions like, do you remember in 1640 when Christmas was literally canceled? How ‘bout those filthy Druid carols that got people arrested? Also:
Is “12 Days of Christmas” really about human trafficking? Why is Merie from now on to be known as Songbird? How long before she puts Becky to sleep with her statistical analyses? Who will finish the limerick “There once was a girl from Nantucket” as a lovely Christmas carol? Is Becky capable of ignoring her cat long enough to record an episode? Spoiler alert: No
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Becky & Merie's 12 Fears of Christmas, Fear #1: A Murderous Story
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
In this, our first of 12 12-minute teeny, tiny holiday-adjacent episodes, we explore the burning question, What in the actual F**k is up with people dressing up as Santa and murdering a bunch of people?! Also:
How does a flammable Santa suit foil a plot to escape to Canada? It's a little thing called karma, folks. Who wants to hear Merie singing about pod-coasting? What the hell is pod-coasting anyway?! What does a turkey baster and meat thermometer have to do with attempted murder and texting in movies? (Also, can a person survive being stabbed in the neck with a meat thermometer?)
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Attending college vs. murdering your entire family: Seems like an easy choice…right?
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
In this week’s episode, we cover the Jennifer Pan and Bart Whitaker cases, where lying about attending college led to murder, and we dive into the phenomenon of secret lives and their sometimes deadly consequences.
Along the way, we address the burning questions you didn’t know you had, like: Where are you headed when all you have to do is head down I-45 till you s**t your pants?
Which one of us may or may not have had a CIA-trained sharpshooting grandma?
Are WE among Merie’s list of certain reputable podcasts?
How is Becky going to end up like the Texas cheerleader murdering mom?
Did Dwight Eisenhower accidentally create a dirty joke for Merie’s family?
How will Merie know when it’s time for her to murder Becky?
Can someone stop Becky from using the word “homegirl” ever again? (And is THAT why Merie may have to kill her?!)
Does Becky really quote a Nike ad as encouragement for NOT murdering your family?
Come for the professor and the professional college attender. Stay for a little basic math.
Listen to the end to hear why Becky wants you to live a lie.
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
In this episode Becky & Merie dive into the phenomenon of women marrying mass murderers and serial killers (an obsession so common it actually has a clinical name!).
They also explore the burning questions you didn’t know you had, like, how cool must it have been to be married to Genghis Khan?!
Which do you marry: the local rapist or the big time serial killer? And how do you make that roommate switch?
Do you bring up the fact that he’s a murderer in EVERY marital argument you have? (spoiler alert: yes.)
Does anyone out there want a GPS app where Becky hurls insults at you when you make a wrong turn? (gofundme is a-waitin’!)
In a zombie apocalypse, would you maybe actually want Scott Peterson to be your husband?
Is there some legal requirement where podcasters must mention Keith Morrison in every episode?
Why does Becky give an uninvited lesson on the theory of evolution?
How can Merie be manipulated into buying 200 hand lotions?
Which is grosser, the fake-crying lying bastard Eric Menendez, or the inappropriately affectionate lawyer who dressed him up in pastel sweater vests?
Love is love, but do you really have a blind spot big enough to fit 48 f***ing dead bodies?
Finally, who out there is going to do the coding for our new website, wellatleastimnotaserialkiller.com?
Come for the serial killing farmers. Stay for the uncited quoting of Jerry Maguire.
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
What about a puking cat gravy boat? Fearing that true crime fandom has gone too far
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
In this episode we look at people who join murderer fan clubs, go on murder-inspired vacations, or send naked pictures and love letters to serial killers.
Along the way we explore the burning questions you didn’t know you had, like, how is Cal State LA responsible for the prevention of a fascist nation? Is the word murderabilia worse than moist or even panty?
Does Merie mistakenly refer to a certain prisoner in Wisconsin by the name of a jewelry company? Whom should you buy true crime-related gifts for this Christmas, Merie or Becky? (spoiler alert: Becky)
Should you or should you not move to Waco? (spoiler alert: No.) Why the hell are we talking about some puking cat gravy boat? And, what’s all this about a deranged seagull?
Your podcast hosts also find themselves in the unlikely position of giving you advice about which items you should and should not store in your body cavities. Listen till the end to find out if you should question your life choices.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Even his workout routine was unimpressive! Fearing the Watts family murders
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
In this episode, we discuss the Netflix doc American Murder, the Family Next Door, and hurl many insults at the man responsible. Along the way, many questions come to mind, such as:
Just how much of a dim bulb is Chris Watts? Just how much victim-blaming does a woman get for trying to keep her lazy, sociopathic husband under control? Is this moronic murderer at least smart enough to recognize that he’s been caught on surveillance during the crime? And, how does one badass detective named Tammy get this whole thing wrapped up?
Also: Do all of our problems come from the Bible? Does Becky mispronounce the word “banal?” Does she manage to get through one podcast episode without mentioning Chee-toes? When will Merie start tagging her every post with #blessed, #bestlife, #love him, #luckygirl, #madeforeachother? Who is Walter and how will he manage to murder Merie someday?
Come for the murderer insults. Stay for the lie-detecting Fitbit.
(This episode includes discussions of violence against women and children. To avoid the grim details, skip over minutes 40-44.)
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
In this episode, we delve into the role that namecalling and meme-making can play in violence and even mass murder. Also, we also address more burning questions you didn’t know you had, like, does a child molester sandwich really have around 200 calories? Who are all these Karens and Stacys, Chads and Brads? Is the Becky of this very show the same Becky of Uggs and Starbucks fame, and is she really too busy gluing rhinestones back on her iPhone case to realize what's actually going on?! (Maybe)
Is her biggest concern falling after her heel gets caught in the cobblestone while chasing after her boyfriend in the meat packing district? (Only sometimes!)
Which should we fear more: Siri or Alexa? Claritin or Allegra?
And, finally: Oh my God, Becky! Why does Merie want to see the manager?!
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Challenging American Exceptionalism: Fearing the USA IS best at serial murder
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
In this episode we cover serial killer partners in crime. Looking at the Moors murders, the Ken and Barbie killers, USA’s horrifying Leonard Lake & Charles Ng and more, we want to know what motivates these murderous men & women.
Why did they get together and make themselves not just worse, but THE worst?
Also: Who does Merie think are the laziest serial killers on the planet? Does Becky really say "feminine-ize?" Is that even a word? Does she also misuse the phrase vice-versa? Why does Merie fear we’ve run out of American serial killers? And, how do you pronounce Dnepropetrovsk, anyway? Come for the passive-aggressive murder style. Stay for Becky's teeny-tiny but weird connection to the terrifying Moors child murders.
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
For the second step in our (vaguely dirty-sounding) “soft” launch rollout, we present to you a creepy compilation of future fearful episodes, where we address all your burning burning questions, like: is the third date too soon for murder, or should you wait until later? Can one weekend in Alaska turn a woman from a nightmare to an angel? Does Costco really put tequila into their margarita mixes? And, what is with all the damaged pantyhose? (Also, what’s with pantyhose?) Our actual, real-life true and terrifying full-length episode will be available this week.
You might even come away with eerie enquiries of your own, like, why do they sound so echoey? What is with Becky’s super-plugged up nose halfway through? And, how dare she make fun of Merie’s allergies?!!